Join the free five-day workshop!
Want to learn how to increase your website traffic?

In this free five-day workshop series I'll be teaching you how I tripled my website traffic in one month using Pinterest.


Here's what we're covering in the training:

Brand Identity: We'll dig into the who, what, why and how of your brand through a quick but fun activity that will help you start mapping out your strategy

Pinterest for Business: I'll show you step-by-step how to create (or convert!) to a Pinterest business account and why you need one

Boards & Descriptions: We'll chat about why and how to create on-brand boards and why creating optimized descriptions is so important

Creating Pins: I'll teach you how to create pinnable images (for free!) using Canva, then show you how to add them to Pinterest

Grow & Automate: We'll talk about how Tailwind is the game changer in driving massive traffic to your site, and how it can help you automate your Pinterest practices


PLUS I'll be sending along some free goodies to help you make the most out of this training!

Are you ready to dive in? Fill out the form below and sign up for the free workshop series today!